
Fun Sayings

I need to record a couple of fun things Spirit has been saying lately. She is expanding her vocab and with it, she mixes up sounds. Its completely adorable. So here's a few...

In reference to her VBS songs she will sing, "Be strong and Aborageous (Courageous)" and "Listen to the Light, Listen to the Light" when its actually Listen to advice.

She has been complaining about her "Squeeto McBites" recently as well. (Mosquito Bites).

Well crud, I just forgot the other one I was going to write. I'll put it down later if I remember. :)


I can't resist publishing a cute photo shoot!

My girl. I just think she's the cutest thing ever! Enjoy!

Happy Independence Day!--Hey, at least I posted it before the month is over!

We had a fairly uneventful fourth of July. Its my Mom's birthday but we were 2 hours away from her so that wasn't too exciting. We did have a bunch of plans but the rain managed to ruin all that. We went to some new friend's house out in the country and they did a bonfire, some amazing food, and some fireworks. Early in the day B and I tried to find some yard sales for my ebay addiction but between the rain and the holiday, we only found 2. I did take a couple of snapshots of her in her fourth of july outfit. So happy 4th, 9 (almost 10) days late!

We managed to find a shirt two years in a row that states, "Miss Independence". Amen. And thank you to Gymboree for wrapping it all up in two words for us!


The God Complex

My daughter cracks me up. We were at our alumni college all week for a conference for the youth at church. We had lots of fun and learned lots too. My parents kept my daughter for this event until thurs afternoon when I went up and picked her up to bring her back for the very last part of the conference.

She and I were walking around while R and the kids were in with the speaker. Shockingly its not the easiest task to keep little Spirit quiet during something like this and when she's overly tired from a week at the grandparents (thanks you guys, couldn't have done it without you!) then its just not even worth trying. We walked out of the building after singing time and it was dark. Which Spirit pointed out to me. I agreed with her. She then told me she was sorry for crying about the book. Now I'm really not sure what she was referring to on this one but she did seem genuinely sorry about whatever it was so I told her that was fine and she could tell Jesus she was sorry if she needed to. So she told Jesus (out loud) as we walked she was sorry. Cute, right? It gets better.

About 30 seconds later she said, "You are God." I said, "well no Baby, I love God and he loves me but I'm not God." She pondered this for about 5 seconds and then said, "Oh, well I'm God." Oh dear. I decided we had better straighten this out. I know preschoolers tend to be overconfident and all about themselves but this might be a bit too far. So I stopped and got down on her level and pointed out the moon and stars and grass and trees and we talked about how God had made those. She seemed to get that so I said, "so see, I'm not God and you aren't God. We haven't done anything as cool as make the moon or trees!" She thought about it and said, "Oh... Well, we'll have to do that tomorrow."

I burst out laughing at that point. I'm not sure what more I could say. I will keep tabs on her and make sure she's not telling her teachers that she is God or anything. :) Or trying to hang the moon. She is quite the monkey so I will really have to watch that one!