Please Pray!
Dearest Prayer Warriors and Jericho Marchers,
Today was the first time in the surgery waiting room where after Dr. Kosnik came out to talk to us we all just sat numb and speechless.
Basically, they didn't do the hip surgery today. The orthopedic surgeon here did not feel that he could place a pin in Nick's hip and wants to talk to us about it later. (They didn't even make an incision to try, so Nick won't have any recovery in that area at this time.)
Dr. Kosnik removed us much of the cancer in Nick's brain as he could, but he gave us the impression that there was quite a bit he could not get to. Because of this, he did not put in the chemo wafer. He said he didn't want to make Nick any sicker than necessary. He also said that he left one bone of Nick's skull loose to help with pressure from the tumor.
We are at a place in this journey that we have never been before. A place of fear and uncertainty incomparable to any we have ever felt.
Yet, with this reality we are also very aware that just as in every other situation along the way, GOD IS NOT SURPRISED AT OUR NEWS.
Somehow, He has already gone before us smoothing ways we don't even yet know that we will walk.
He promises that His mercies are new every morning.
He promises to never leave us or forsake us.
He promises perfect peace to those who trust in Him.
So, as we wait to see Nick in recovery, we will hold our heads high knowing that we have a Great Physician who will lead us to a Rock that is Higher than any place this hospital can take us. He will lift us from the slimy pit, set our feet on a rock, and give us a firm place to stand. He will put a new song in our mouths, a hymn of praise to our Lord!
And as the Psalm continues, "Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord!"
We love you all.
We thank you for every prayer.
Keep marching!
Every night!
Remember to check around in Grayson for the final days marching time. It is either 2:30 in the afternoon or 8 at night. I'm not sure.
Oh, we love you all so much.
Turn to God for us. Not with complaints, but with praise for He has a beautiful plan! We are going to keep taking one more step and one more step so that we can walk from strength to strength!
Pray for Nick's speedy recovery and for his spirit.
You are our messengers to the throne.
Please keep pleading on Nick's behalf!
Love, tammy and tim
My Family Specializes in Cute Girls
Here comes trouble!

Barely mobile and into everything.

This spilt milk was because of Ms. Wiggles at the table.
No "trouble" here. Just my silly girl dressing herself up.
This is the kind of rolling eyes face we get that could only have come from spending 9 months in a girls group home with us and 10 teen girls. I didn't fully capture it here but you get the idea. She brings this out when she knows she is in trouble but not serious trouble. Serious trouble immediately results in tears from her. :)
And this, well this is her cute adorable face that helps her weasel out of trouble at times. I can't believe that was taken almost a year ago! Where does the time go?
Here's some fun posts on Spirit's best trouble days--aww, it was fun looking through them. She is such a pill!!!...
Gummy Smiles
I am playing along with a blog that I keep up on over at... http://bouffard11.blogspot.com/ . She is doing themed days on her blog and invites others to do the same. So here are a couple of my favorite smiling pictures of little Spirit. Smiles for pictures were sometimes rare with my (Stubborn) little girl. The old ladies at church used to talk about how she never smiled. Umm, it was only because even then, that little strong willed streak was coming through. They were trying to make her smile and laugh, so she would just look at them with the straightest poker face ever. The memory of it cracks me up!

Nick & Natalie and the Wall of Jericho

Good Times and Old Friends
Random Rememberings
- She is getting so good at riding her bikes. Yep, bikes. She has a trike, a dora bike and a scooter. She loves to pedal them down and turn the corner and then walk back up and get the next one...ride it down, turn the corner...you get the idea.
- Lately she has been saying about 30 times a day... Umm, Mom? I love you. Which often comes out sounding like I Wuv eww.
She can do her carseat all by herself very efficiently now.- She still loves to dance along with the dance shows regularly on TV.
- She has been into the movie Annie lately. She has begun singing the songs outloud. On the song that says, "I just stick out my chin and grin and say..." She sings, "I sygamore tree and tin and stay..."
- She loves to chew up paper napkins in her mouth. Gross.
- She continues to never, never, never sit still.
- She is learning to stand on her head and can almost do it propped against the wall.
- She is playing more with babies and is starting to love games like Candy Land.
- She is becoming more and more a Daddy's Girl.
Her favorite Shows are Super Why, Oswald, and Wawa Wubzy (however you spell that). - She manages to draw out bed time forever (well like 20 min) with all her questions and persistance.
- When we go out "Saleing" (Going to yard sales) and I am having trouble trying to find a sale (BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT OUT SIGNS!) she is quick to remind me to keep trying and don't give up. She also tells me I'll get it right. (This is all from a yo gabba gabba song that has made a huge impact on her. :)
- She is persistent, confident, empathetic and curious. She never stops asking questions about everything and nothing in general.
- She is active, athletic, smiley and loves to joke around. She gets sarcasm and teasing and loves to tease right back.
She is an amazing gift no matter how you look at it. I just can't believe she is so big! I'm loving having a three year old so far though! It will be exciting to see what the rest of this year holds.

My Courtney