We got the bumpers put up of course and B getting the ball down the lane only took about eight minutes before it lightly bumped some pins and maybe knocked a few over. She of course wanted to run after her ball down the lane and was a little sad when she couldn't. We bowled with another couple from church that has a little girl one day younger than B. It took the 6 of us 2 hours to play one game and that was with the guys hurrying up and playing for the girls at the end. Wow. So here's a little picture run down of the evening. It was fun to do a "first" in bowling.
Bowling and Teething
We got the bumpers put up of course and B getting the ball down the lane only took about eight minutes before it lightly bumped some pins and maybe knocked a few over. She of course wanted to run after her ball down the lane and was a little sad when she couldn't. We bowled with another couple from church that has a little girl one day younger than B. It took the 6 of us 2 hours to play one game and that was with the guys hurrying up and playing for the girls at the end. Wow. So here's a little picture run down of the evening. It was fun to do a "first" in bowling.
Brown and Pink
Coffee Ramblings
Since she is gone at the moment I thought I would share some of my innermost thoughts...on coffee. Yep, we're going to get deep here people. I just want to confess/share/lay it out there, that I have a coffee addiction. I have tried to go to coffee annonymous meetings but they meet at Starbucks and my sponsor was a barista so it really was to no avail. I'm a social coffee drinker, a morning coffee drinker and a sit down during nap time coffee drinker. I have serious withdrawls (well, really bad headaches) when I cut back or quit.
I know I have an addiction for the following reasons:
-I get excited to open the package for the first time and smell that amazing smell.
-I get excited when I make a new friend who likes coffee
-A new local starbucks being built is a highlight for me.
-And finally, the reason which prompted me to write this post, and I hate to put this down in writing, but I have to tell a little story about yesterday... I put my girl down for her nap and made my usual cup for this time. I had forgotten that we were completely out of milk or half and half which I always put in my coffee. The only milk type substance that could be found was a little container of Weight Watchers Ice Cream that has been in there for about 2 months. It was chocolate with Brownie Chunks. And yep, I put it in my coffee. And it actually wasn't bad!
So see, I have a problem, but its one I think I can live with.
PS. Don't forget about my little contest down below! See what my girl has been up to!
Take a Deep Breath Everyone, JUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH!!!
Singing with Spirit Again
This is some more Veggie Tales: Barbara Manatee & The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
This is You Never Let Go by Matt Redman. This was the first song she recognized and would sing along with on the radio.
Playing with Babies
We Interrupt Regularly Scheduled Broadcasting...
Ok, seriously, I have the cutest nieces in the world!!!
My SIL sent pics to me yesterday so I thought I would share.
They are such little doll babies!
And almost turning one! I can't believe it!!!
My New Blog
What a Good Girl
I haven't taken pictures the past few days due to losing our remote. I had to buy a new remote and then donate my camera batteries to that one because I forgot to buy batteries. Geez! And for pete's sake we have NO IDEA where that thing is!!! Not sure if I did something with it or B. Or both. We have searched and searched. So, until I remember to buy new batteries, here are some pics I took last week when the weather was nice. We got out her bike. She's on the verge of being able to ride it with the training wheels. Our slope of a drive makes it slightly hard but we will be at it if Spring would HURRY UP and get here for real!
Enjoy the pics... Oh and I'm not sure what important business she was taking care of on the phone. Something that had to do with Courtney! You are not forgotten!