My very best friend in the world has been telling me I should blog about my little Spirited toddler and our lives together forever. So here it is friend!
How should I begin...I am the wife of a Youth Minister at a church we love and the mom to the most beautiful little 2 1/2 year old blonde curly headed girl around. And with all that blonde curly hair comes a strong will like no other! I believe the current "politically correct" way to say it is "Spirited". So while she keeps me hopping, she also keeps me cracking up. Take this week for example. On Tuesday she got into my brand new mascara in the 2 minutes that I ran downstairs to put some laundry in. She had been previously engrossed in Clifford on PBS so I assured myself it was safe, even though deep down I knew better. I came back to mascara in her hair, down her cheek, on her hands, and yes, even on her eyelashes. My mascara had been located in the medicine cabinet but she is a little monkey and had climbed up on the sink and gotten to it. I was starting to feel a little bad about what she was locating and getting into trouble with for the day since only a couple hours earlier she had sprayed her Dad's cologne into her eye and sat around all morning, (haha, she never sits around, what am I saying???--ran around) with a red watering eye. We made it safely through the rest of the day until about 7PM when my husband had to go to a meeting. I decided to call the internet company to confirm our high speed and get it registered so I could finally get online. Within about 30 seconds of being on hold, B came down holding her hands under her mouth which was DRIPPING WITH BLOOD!!! Apparently her medicine cabinet fascination had continued and she tried to shave with one of her Dad's razors. She took a chunk out of her lip. I gotta tell you, it is not an easy task to get your 2 year old, especially a busy, busy one like B to sit still so you can put pressure on her lip. It took about an hour and 8 dora bandaids to get it clotted.
Shew, the day was finally over but of course it took about an hour or more for her to fall asleep because she has trouble these days (more on that later) and because her poor lip was all busted up.
This evening she was playing on the bed with her Dad and I and she got too rough and started kicking him and was all bothered because he was on the blanket she wanted. R told her that she needed to stop and that he didn't want to play with her anymore if she was going to act like that. She paused, looked him straight in the eye, and said very strongly, "Traitor." At which point we both burst out laughing. She explained something from her Veggie Tale Movie about "Moe" and "Traitor." Evidently she knew exactly what she was saying. Oh my, who knows what the days ahead hold with her! It sure is a fun journey, most of the time. Right now as I type this she is screaming in her room because she doesn't want to go to bed. I'll be sure to blog about our bedtime issues soon. Not that most of you who are reading this won't know that already! :-)
How should I begin...I am the wife of a Youth Minister at a church we love and the mom to the most beautiful little 2 1/2 year old blonde curly headed girl around. And with all that blonde curly hair comes a strong will like no other! I believe the current "politically correct" way to say it is "Spirited". So while she keeps me hopping, she also keeps me cracking up. Take this week for example. On Tuesday she got into my brand new mascara in the 2 minutes that I ran downstairs to put some laundry in. She had been previously engrossed in Clifford on PBS so I assured myself it was safe, even though deep down I knew better. I came back to mascara in her hair, down her cheek, on her hands, and yes, even on her eyelashes. My mascara had been located in the medicine cabinet but she is a little monkey and had climbed up on the sink and gotten to it. I was starting to feel a little bad about what she was locating and getting into trouble with for the day since only a couple hours earlier she had sprayed her Dad's cologne into her eye and sat around all morning, (haha, she never sits around, what am I saying???--ran around) with a red watering eye. We made it safely through the rest of the day until about 7PM when my husband had to go to a meeting. I decided to call the internet company to confirm our high speed and get it registered so I could finally get online. Within about 30 seconds of being on hold, B came down holding her hands under her mouth which was DRIPPING WITH BLOOD!!! Apparently her medicine cabinet fascination had continued and she tried to shave with one of her Dad's razors. She took a chunk out of her lip. I gotta tell you, it is not an easy task to get your 2 year old, especially a busy, busy one like B to sit still so you can put pressure on her lip. It took about an hour and 8 dora bandaids to get it clotted.
Shew, the day was finally over but of course it took about an hour or more for her to fall asleep because she has trouble these days (more on that later) and because her poor lip was all busted up.
This evening she was playing on the bed with her Dad and I and she got too rough and started kicking him and was all bothered because he was on the blanket she wanted. R told her that she needed to stop and that he didn't want to play with her anymore if she was going to act like that. She paused, looked him straight in the eye, and said very strongly, "Traitor." At which point we both burst out laughing. She explained something from her Veggie Tale Movie about "Moe" and "Traitor." Evidently she knew exactly what she was saying. Oh my, who knows what the days ahead hold with her! It sure is a fun journey, most of the time. Right now as I type this she is screaming in her room because she doesn't want to go to bed. I'll be sure to blog about our bedtime issues soon. Not that most of you who are reading this won't know that already! :-)
She is spirited, I can vouch for that. And she's definitely a monkey but you're right, she is the cutest curly-headed 2 1/2 year old in the world! I have to say, I kept seeing her lip yesterday thinking, "she needs chapstick like C!", I had forgotten about the razor. lol
Holy cow, she's totally going to have your calves! Weird thing to say-I know but look at that picture! FUN!!! Good thing you have nice calves. :)
The B is so much her Mommy,the stories I hold in my head would fill the internet!Boots this is so awesome. now I can read about my granddaughter and her latest adventure Love you Dad
B is adorable and I miss her and her mom and dad bunches. Thanks for the blog so I can still see and hear about them all. It is almost as if we were still a mile apart. By the way, loved having you both here last month (missed R).
A test
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