
Now this is a Bib for a Spirited Kid!

I found some bibs today that I wish I had had a couple of years ago. If you have a Spirited Baby/Toddler (or former one) you may have noticed that they are constantly doing something with their hands. My girl would pull off her bib-- every kind, shape and size. Tie, velcro, whatever. Today I found these. They are sturdy, easy to wash, provide lots of much needed coverage and are hard to remove! I am going to start selling them routinely on eBay to provide them for mom's that need heavy duty bib's. If you are interested you can go here Items for sale. But hey, no pressure! I'm not making huge profits off of them but thought they would be fun and easy to sell. Here's my cute girl almost 2 years ago!
Yep, no bib for me!

1 comment:

debi9kids said...

OOOOH! Me likey! I really need one of those for my daughter. She takes her bib off ALL the time! (now, i just need to seel some stuff on eBay so i can buy your stuff on eBay. LOL)