

We had a good Sunday. We took naps and are still exhausted. Not enough sleep and all the hussle and bussle of Easter can wear you out! We had a moving service and a full house so that was great.
Now on a more shallow side, here is my girl, all dressed up. I have to admit, I LOVE dressing my girl up. I'm addicted to Gymboree, Gap, and just about anything cute for my girl. She is so much more fun to buy clothes for than myself. Add to that my eBay addiction and the fact that I can literally sell her clothes used for more than I pay new and well, nothing more to say, its an addiction! This is my favorite Easter Dress of the three so far in her life. Its Gymboree. I was a little sad to have to add a sweater and tights but it doesn't seem to matter if Easter is early or late, its freezing so out come the sweaters and tights!

On a fun note, today was the first time R and I wore jeans to church on Easter!!!! LOVE THAT! We do like our casual church. I helped lead worship and was up there with 3 other people in jeans. Our bass player had a hoodie. Too bad our music minister didn't get the memo--he wore dress pants. Sorry Rob!
On an even more fun note, I knew B's tights were too small, mainly because she is so long waisted, but I stretched them out, put the matching panty cover with the dress over them and hoped for the best. She complained every now and then about them but I didn't realize it was that bad until I picked her up to put her in the car and my hand went on a bare bottom! Poor thing! Those darn tights had pulled down her panties, the tights and her diaper cover. I guess she had been walking around with it all mid-thigh! LOL!
Oh and here is my girl at her first and second Easter. Too bad I didn't get good pics last year. That was our first sunday at the group home. Ugg, ugg, ugg. Speaking of tired.... Oh well! Hope all had a great Easter and were able to reflect on what it means for our lives! Our family is thankful for the new life we are currently living! And of course of the new life we get to have in Christ every morning.


He is Risen! Happy Easter!

1 comment:

debi9kids said...

Happy Easter!
Beautiful pictures!
PS I wore jeans for the first time to church too! I was worried I was going to be severely underdressed, but it's such a casual contemporary church that LOTS of people were in jeans. :)