
Happy Birthday!

Today is R's birthday. We don't have any big plans. He is of course getting a pair of shoes. :-) Our music minister and his wife spend the night on Saturday's because they go to CCU and it saves them the extra drive. And one of our girls from the group home that we love is going to stay with us as well. So I'll prob. go buy a cake. I know, I'm such the celebrator!

R left for a soccer game this morning in Cinci for one of his Brown County players. We missed him by a few minutes so we called him to say Happy Birthday. I asked B if she wanted to tell him and she said, "No, I already told him in bed!" Which is funny because she was dead asleep when he left. It could have been that she was insisting on going to watch "Cifford" (Clifford) on TV and could not be bothered with such things as telling her Daddy Happy Birthday. She used to HATE watching TV and we would have LOVED for her to like it at least some to get an extra moment of relaxing but noooooo we were left to chasing her around in 7500 sqft of space at the group home. Now that we live in a boring 1500sqft she is content to watch an hour or so of TV at a time. She still gets bored compared to other kids I know but she has entered the realm of vegging out in front of the TV...We are so proud. :-) Hope all is well in your world!

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